By: McKena Pennington

We all get caught up trying to fit into a specific crowd or doing things that don’t
truly align with who we are - whether it's going out every weekend because that's what
your friends do, wearing styles that don't feel like you, or even pretending to love
hobbies just to feel included. Trust me, I have been there, I think we all have. There
have been times when I’ve convinced myself that I love what I am doing simply because
everyone around me is excited about it. But then, when I take a step back - when I am
alone with my thoughts - I realize that I wasn't actually into it all. And that feeling?
That gut instinct? It's there for a reason.
I am here to tell you that this is so normal. It does not make you weird or
dramatic, it just means you’re learning more about yourself. And instead of ignoring
those little doubts in your head, listen to them. They are guiding you toward what
actually makes you happy.Still unsure? Let me tell you more about the power of being YOU!
Authenticity Attracts Opportunities
Doing things that truly make you feel alive will not only improve your attitudes
around your life, but it will attract opportunities, experiences and people that align
with you! Doing things alone or stepping out of your comfort zone can be intimidating,
and you might even be fearful of being judged, but if something makes you happy why
would it ever be weird? The truth is, people who judge you or make you feel
uncomfortable are often unhappy with themselves. By choosing to be brave and live
life your way, you’re doing something most people are too afraid to do.
This is your life. You are uniquely you. So do what makes your heart race with
excitement, and trust me—everything good will follow.
Your Mind is Powerful
Your mind is the most powerful tool you have. If you wake up everyday believing
you are capable, confident, and worthy, you will become exactly that. Don’t let other
people's opinions, or your own doubts and fears creep into your mind, whether you
realize it or not those negative thoughts are holding you back.
The reality? You are your only competition. No one else's success, opinion, or
lifestyle should hold so much power over you. Now, I totally get seeking out opinions
from friends for advice, but once again everyone is on their own journey, take their
opinions into consideration, but you know yourself best and if you have a desire to do
something, do it! You don’t need a complete plan to grow and experience new things, it
will all fall into place. Confidence isn’t believing that you are perfect, it is about having
trust in yourself, So remind yourself daily:
I am capable
I am worthy
I am enough
I am unstoppable
Embracing Individuality
Think about your favorite celebrity, or someone you admire in your life, what do
they all have in common? They own who they are. They don’t blend in. They embrace
their own personality, perspective, and experiences.When you use your differences to your advantage, you can open up doors for yourself. Whether it's in your career, your hobbies, your friendships, or even how you carry yourself - your individuality makes you an asset. No one else thinks the way you do, and no one else has lived your experiences. You are one of a kind!
So instead of worrying about fitting in, focus on standing out. The world doesn't
need another copy- paste version of someone else, it needs you! Start living for yourself and everything will change. You will have more confidence, opportunities, and happiness in places you have never expected. So say yes to the things that excite you and no to the things that drain you.