By: Shaylin Smith

Growing up, my Dad always said that your morning is the only part of your day you can control. Let me tell you, that has definitely proven to be true, especially as a college student. No matter what your day has in store, your morning is one thing that you will always have to make your own, so take advantage of that! These 5 steps will help set a productive and positive tone for every day:
Feed Your Soul
“Food for the Soul” is an expression we have all heard, and I believe it means taking steps to feel happy and fulfilled with yourself. I think one of the worst things to do in the morning is immediately open Instagram and end up scrolling for who knows how long getting lost in other people's priorities and influences. Instead, read a devotional, read a motivational quote, or listen to a quick podcast. Feed your soul positive things for a positive day and make sure you are focusing on your own goals.
Move Your Body
Trust me, I know how hard it is to get out of bed. It sucks. But DO IT! My favorite thing to do is to sign up for a workout class in the morning to wake up my body and my mind. Getting yourself there and keeping a commitment to yourself is something to be proud of and is your first accomplishment of the day. As I said, your morning is the only part of the day you can control. Who knows what will come up throughout your day, so commit yourself to getting it done in the morning!
Make Your Bed
It seems simple, but it is so important. I believe that by making your bed and completing one task then motivates you to complete another. Get the productivity flowing by making your bed! And if you are like me, then you have 100 throw pillows that make your bed look really pretty... Put them to use!
Have a Yummy Breakfast You Look Forward To
Just like you need to feed your soul, you need to feed your body, and having a yummy breakfast that you look forward to eating is the best feeling ever. I recommend including a protein, a carb, and your favorite coffee, of course. I have been loving overnight oats and there are so many fun things you can add to them.
Looking Good Equals Feeling Good!
Lastly, when I look good, I feel good. After having a productive morning it's time to get ready! Putting on a cute outfit always makes me feel more excited for the day. Lately, I’ve been trying to transition my wardrobe from summer to school year. I definitely didn’t have all these things together at one time, but adding one step at a time until you find the morning routine that is ideal for you will help you start each day off right!