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5 Habits That Will Totally Upgrade Your Morning Routine

By:  Hana Tilksew

Mirror Selfie

Create Something To Get Up For 

If you struggle with actually finding the motivation to get out of your bed, give yourself something to look forward to every day. Maybe it’s drinking a yummy latte. Maybe it’s buying yourself a new lip gloss so you get excited to put it on in the morning. Training yourself via the rewards system can magically turn you into a morning person.

Give Yourself Time To Breathe

If you’re a busy girl with a fast-paced schedule, you might feel like you should wake up later to maximize your sleep and be better rested for the remainder of the day. But waking up a little late means a hectic, stressed morning of trying to make it out the door under strict time constraints.

I find that my mood throughout the day is way less anxious or jittery when I wake up early enough to give myself the time to breathe, stretch, eat a balanced breakfast, and soak up the sunshine in my backyard. I may not catch as many Zs, but mornings are much more relaxing and slower-paced now.

Don’t Scroll Immediately

I know, I know: This one is way easier said than done. We all know it’s bad for our brains to immediately jump on TikTok or Instagram when we open our eyes, but we just can’t help ourselves.

But trust me, delaying your morning screen time by just an hour can hugely affect your day. You’ll probably feel more positive when you doom scroll less, and you get to ground your day in the real life around you instead of the fake stuff online. 

Eat Your Protein

If you struggle with portion sizes and healthy eating throughout the day, start off on the right foot by making sure your breakfast is loaded with protein. Protein will satisfy your hunger cues and eating it first thing in the morning will help minimize unnecessary overeating later in the day.

Turn Your Rituals Into Rules

You might be trying really hard to establish a certain ritual. Maybe you want to establish a morning skincare routine. Maybe you want to work out every single morning. But if you give yourself room to slack on these rituals, you probably will, which is why you should turn them into rules instead.

Make yourself a promise: If you don’t complete your ritual, you can’t do something you’re looking forward to that morning. Maybe it’s that you can’t have your favorite iced latte until your skin is squeaky clean. Maybe it’s that you can’t start watching your fave TV show until you’ve spent 30 minutes working out. Whatever the rule is, make it and stick to it.

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